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dry natural hair

We can look at dry natural hair as either a problem or a property. Many naturals are battling with this issue, and one fact is, not every remedy will work on your hair type. 

Let dig into some of the causes of having dry natural hair, and few health care tips that can overcome this problem.


1) The Inability of the Scalp to Produce Enough Oil

Hair strands rely on oils produced by their roots to maintain their moisturizing and lustrous feature. 

However, some factors like age may hinder this oil production process. Less oil production leads to the dry scalp, hence giving rise to parched strands. 

This is why it is imperative to invest in a moisturizing oil like this one.

2) Unhealthy Hair Cuticles

Hair cuticles act as protective layers for each hair strand by keeping moisture within them. 

Now, what happens when these cuticles separate such that they are not tight to each other? 

Well, some oil produced by the scalp will escape, compromising the ability of these cuticles to hold moisture; hence, leading to dry natural hair strands.

One common cause of unhealthy cuticles is the use of chemical treatments like permanent dyes or bleaching agents, which tend to lift the skins so that they can enter the cortex to lighten the natural hair pigment. 

This lifting process makes the hair porous, leading to dryness.

3) Exposing Your Natural Hair to Too Much Heat

It is hard for natural hair to handle the heat from any hot styling equipment like curling irons, blow dryers, and flat irons. 

These tools cause moisture loss, hence the dry strands. 

We recommend to always use a thermal protectant before applying heat.

Direct heat from the sun can also lead to dry natural hair because they cause loss of moisture from your strands. 

The ultraviolet rays can also affect the ability of your strands to retain moisture; hence, making them susceptible to dryness and brittleness. 

Tip: moisturize stands before long exposing hair to sun or wear head covering.

4) Unhealthy Hair Maintenance Practices

Shampoos with sulfates are usually cheap and readily available. Nonetheless, they are too harsh to use since they strip moisture from your natural hair to the extent of changing your hair color. 

Using too many products is not healthy also. 

These products will build on the scalp, leading to suffocation and inhibiting water absorption. 

Besides, not cleaning your hair regularly can cause dirt to coat on it, making the moisturizing products to sit on top of the strands. Moisture starvation will, therefore, lead to dry strands, which are prone to breakage.

Tip: Read up on how to choose the best shampoo for your hair. 


a) Drink Water Often

Water helps to hydrate your body and skin without exemption of the scalp. For that reason, drink much water to hydrate your scalp and hair strands from the roots to the ends, to offset the probability of dry natural hair.

b) Follow Proper Measures for Washing Natural Hair

Avoid washing your natural hair too often as this will remove the natural oils from your scalp. Besides, use a mild shampoo, which has fewer drying detergents.

Finally, accompany the shampoo by a hair conditioner, which helps to moisturize the strands and laying the cuticles flat so that they can hold natural oils.

c) Select Correct Chemical Treatment Products

Always check the composition of each hair product that you intend to use. Avoid those that have sulfates and alcohol contents because they stimulate the drying of natural hairs. 

Instead, focus on those with high antioxidants like avocado oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and omega-6, among others. 

Finally, Minimize the use of chemical treatment on your natural hair.

And if all of this sounds too complicated, download our easy to follow hair growth guide to get a hair care plan that’s right for you. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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