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coffee for hair growth

Coffee lovers, how does it feel to start your day with a cup of quality coffee?

Awesome, right?

But do you know the hidden treasures of coffee?

I bet you know the common ones like boosting physical performance, burning fat, and improving energy levels. 

But aside from health benefits, what else do we gain from coffee?

Have you ever heard of coffee for hair growth?

Whatever the truth is regarding coffee and its inner health values, coffee is the real deal for hair and beauty. 

But this side of coffee will not show up if you sip it on a cup. 

You have to apply it directly to your hair and scalp.

Therefore, we thought it would be great to know how to apply coffee on hair, and more importantly, the unsung benefits that your tresses will reap from it. 

This article outlines all these concerns.

So, are you looking for some reasons to buy more coffee?

We got your back! Read on to find out!


1) Prevents Hair Loss and Stimulates Hair Growth

It is everyone’s dream to have beautiful tresses that are blossoming with much energy. 

Nevertheless, these dreams will remain a fairy tale if your hair follicles are weak because you will have to battle with hair loss and baldness.

However, the secret to restoring hair growth is overcoming the causes of hair loss. 

That is why we give a big shout-out to coffee because of its incredible compound, caffeine.

Caffeine helps to activate the hair roots so that the hair follicles in the active growth phase-the Anagen phase-can have the stamina to grow thicker, stronger, and healthier strands. 

Besides, it also blocks the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Therefore, the compound helps to prevent hair damage; hence, promoting growth.

2) Improves Hair Structure

Experimental evidence suggests that coffee hair oil helps strengthen your strands and make them more manageable. 


Well, the oil contains phytosterols, which boost moisture retention. 

Therefore, your tresses will always be smooth, soft, hydrated, and shiny. 

Coffee is also less acidic; hence, it makes the cuticles lay flat, providing great slip to your hair and making it easy to detangle. 

Flat cuticles also induce more shine reflection on your hair.

The caffeine compound also has antioxidant properties that help strengthen hair follicles and their related cell structures. 

Thus, it generally improves hair texture, appearance and makes it easier to manage.

3) Boosts Blood Circulation

Blood flow, hair growth, and hair loss have a very close relationship. 

A thorough massage of coffee hair oil directly onto the scalp will improve blood circulation in the scalp.

Improved subcutaneous blood flow increases the absorption rate of oxygen and other essential nutrients by your hair follicles. 

The results are well-nourished follicle cells with much grit to grow healthier, stronger, and shinier hair faster.

4) Exfoliates the Scalp

Accumulation of sebum, hair products, sweat, and dead skin cells on the hair cuticle increases enzyme population, which intensifies the natural shed rate. 

However, to encourage hair growth, you need to create a conducive environment. 

That involves getting rid of that scalp buildup.

A coffee hair mask for hair growth can remove those dead skin cells and buildups in a nutshell and reinforce new healthy follicle cells’ growth. 

Therefore, whenever you feel that your hair is oily or greasy, a smooth paste of honey, coffee powder, and olive oil can save the day.

5) Enhances Natural Hair Color

Is the color of your natural hair bothering you so much? 

Is it brown, blonde, red, gray, or maybe white, and want to change its shade?

There are many remedies for correcting/changing hair color. 

However, most products are not gentle; they often leave your tresses dry and brittle.

But you know what, there is a safe method of dying your natural hair while still promoting its health. 

A dose of coffee rinse can fix your problem quickly. 

Even though this remedy is temporary, it is simple and chemical-free.


With all these myriad benefits of coffee for hair growth, is it not interesting to learn how to use it? 

Apart from the coffee rinse, here are two other ways of how to apply coffee to hair


Coffee contains a phenol compound called tannin, which binds proteins easily. 

Therefore, when coffee gets on your hair, tannin causes it to bind with keratin on the hair shaft. 

Since coffee has a darker shade, it will end up staining your hair though temporarily.

So, here is how to apply a coffee hair dye:

  • Brew a strong cup of coffee. Let it cool naturally.
  • Mix two cups of leave-in conditioner with two tablespoons of coffee grounds and one cup of cold-brewed coffee.
  • Add a tablespoon of cocoa powder for a darker shade
  • Apply the mixture to your hair evenly.
  • Leave it for up to one hour before rinsing your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
  • Pour a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water on your hair uniformly. Leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it out.


  • Brew a pot of coffee. Make the concentration much stronger
  • Filter the coffee grounds using a coffee filter or a cheesecloth
  • Allow the coffee grounds to cool
  • Massage the cold coffee grounds on wet hair for 2-3 minutes to ensure the caffeine reaches the hair follicles
  • Rinse your hair, as usual, using a sulfate-free shampoo and squeeze the excess water out
  • Pour cold-brewed coffee through your hair and leave it on for about five minutes
  • Apply leave-in conditioner of choice and wrap your hair for about 30 minutes
  • Rinse your hair with lukewarm water and finish off with cold water
  • Air-dry your hair naturally


  • Caffeine is a polar molecule. It infuses better in an aqueous solution
  • Apple cider vinegar helps to keep hair pH balanced; hence, flattening and closing the hair cuticles
  • Leave-in conditioner helps to lock moisture in your hair cuticles
  • A final rinse with cold water helps to seal the cuticle and add shine to your hair

Coffee is capable of doing things that are even beyond your imagination. 

You can undo years of inadequate hair care in a span of a few hours with coffee for hair growth. 

My head whirls whenever I think of the amount of caffeine in coffee.

Now is the time to unlock your beauty. 

It’s coffee for life:)

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